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  1. Hello: I need Toyota Rav4 89663-42450, calibration 34245000 CVN: C75DB37D PM for price, Thanks
  2. Hello friends I need to disable DTC P0606 in 2018 Nissan Kicks 1.6L Petrol Hitachi ECU, mcu is R7F70125. Can anyone do it? I'm willing to pay. Thank you Nissan kicks 2018 16L 237035RB0B_237105RD3B-20201105-150437 original.rar
  3. Hi: I need to change damage MT38 ECU. Is it possible to clone a second-had MT38 with PCMFlash ?
  4. I need to read a Valeo V46.21 ECU using Combiloader, so I bought the Valeo V46 module but when tried to read the ECU, a message of "NO ECU answer" is displayed. Also same message is displayed when tried to do the ECU identification. I´m using CarDaq Plus as interfase. If I use the Drewtech tool (with CarDaq connected) I can scan the ECU, so I think the problem is not the interfase. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
  5. Hello members: I have a Hyundai Accent 2009 1.6L A/T with ECU Bosch MG 7.9.8, car does not start error code is P0605 (internal control module ROM error). Can someone of you check in the checksum is correct and fix it ? Thanks very much #34117 Accent 2009 USA 1.6L AT 39131-26BE6 MG798 GMC-9N6CPS4-A000 9003050099KH.rar
  6. Hello members: I am looking for pinout connection for Suzuki Grand Vitara 1.6L M16A ME17.9.61 TC1724. Picture is here: https://www.google.com/search?q=bosch+me17.9.61&rlz=1C1TSNG_enCR455CR455&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwizxMbnh-3dAhVDp1kKHU_1COAQ_AUICigB&biw=1366&bih=608#imgrc=-tH_A_EvSZe8aM: Thanks very much for your help
  7. Hello members: I need the pinout to read on bench Ssangyong Tivoli 1.6DT DCM3.7AP. The ecu connector is different from previous year. ECU number is 6735400232 e13039762 28341193. I am attaching pictures
  8. Hello members: I need the complete pinout or wiring diagram for Suzuki SX4 1.6L, engine M16A, with bosch ME 17.9.51. Attached picture of ecu. Thanks very much for your help
  9. Toyota Rav4 Toyota Rav4 2007 ACA3# 89661-42F73 89663-42833 Upatate_34283300-ii CVN AF14CDB1.rar
  10. Hello members: I need a good ecu eeprom file or repair the original eeprom for Nissan Pathfinder Petrol 3.5L 2003 part number 23710-6W560 MEC36-060 A3 4802. I am attaching bad eeprom file. Thanks 93C66 Pathfinder 2003 35L AT 23710-6W560 MEC36-060 A3 4802.rar
  11. Hola miembros: Hoy pongo a prueba PCMFlash con CarDAQ + y Moongose ​​MFC en Toyota 76F0040GD (K-line) que no funcionan. ¿Puede alguien de ustedes me podría decir qué trabajo adaptador con PCMflash y Toyota ECU ?? Muchas gracias por su ayuda
  12. Miembros de Hola: I Nuevo En Este Foro, soy de Costa Rica. Voy a empezar A Trabajar con PCMFlasher en Unas Pocas Semanas. Quiero saber si Alguno de ustedes Tiene el archivo original, para Toyota Hilux 2KD 89661-0K440, tablero Número 175822-666 * ?? La MCU: 76F0040GD muchas gracias
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